azury ayala
azury ayala
my doctor is rly starting to piss me off, i went into early labor at 32 wks and ive been feeling a lot of preassure again, when i had my appt yesterday he had his nurse practioner who is learning check me. she chcked to see if i was dialating more and she said i was a 3 which im pretty sure is wrong since the last 3times ive been almost at a 5 and she hurt me which started some contractions....he doesnt seem to care very much cause i told him if he could be the one to check and he ignored me.

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im just not going back to him, he doesnt care like at all so he can kiss my ass ive been loosing weigt and my baby is maybe 4lbs like he said and he thinks its normal..ill just go to the er when i feel like hes ready to come since he still has my appts every two weeks...when at the hospital they told me it would be a miracle if i made it to 36.
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
i asked again to check me after she did and he said he didnt want to hurt me since she had checked already...too late she had already hurt me...
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I would have been like I'm not leaving your office till you check me because I know I'm not a 3 and I know this lady doesn't know what she is doing so what's it going to be
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
if the student checks me I will insist the doctor checks me as well or first.
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Screw that. I wouldn't have let her touch me.
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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