I have to do my 3 hour glucose test at 8 this morning. The thought of not eating or drinking anything is catching up to me :/ ladies how did this process go ??
It was bad I got hot flashes and had to ask for a cup to get water cause I felt like I was going to throw up and time drags for the 3 hrs. I'd bring a snack for after the test.
for the 3 hour test I was told I needed to fast, no food or drink, from midnight to when I took the test at 8am. they test your fasting numbers as part of the 3 hour test, so you will have your blood tested 4 times, once before the test, and then once every hour of the test, so they can see if your sugar levels are going down at the proper rate.
It was torturous but you can do it. If you have some veggies you like you can eat those. Raw is best. They won't spike your sugar. I was told I could have a low/no card snack. I didn't eat anything but I took my jug of water to hold me over. You should be done by 11 so once you hit that breaking point you should be just about done.