So gender do you cope with it? On Tuesday I found out I was having a boy. I was SO sure it was a girl, and that's what I really desired. I feel conflicted in my heart and in my spirit because I do not want a son. I cried at my ultrasound and the following 2 days because I just can't believe it. I feel conflicted because I know there's so many women out there that are dying to just have a child period and can't, and here I am being ungrateful. I tried to go shopping for him snd buy some clothes, and it just doesn't feel right. I feel so disconnected from my baby in this pregnancy now, and I feel horrible about how I'm feeling...and advice ladies? 😞

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I'm as girly as they come and am terrified to lose a bond between a son. I don't enjoy boy things lol. I really am scared to have 2 boys and no girls. I cry when I think I'll never get to go wedding dress shopping and things like that.. but then I don't know if I can see my husband with a girl lol so I think God is trying to save our family so I don't get angry with him lol!
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@yarika, yes that's scary I know cause ultimately I left my sons father before he was 1. Not cause he did any thing wrong but cause I was young dumb and bored. Before my hubby it was hard especially after he turned 13. So I understand your fears. But don't let that discourage you like @twins1987 said believe God gave you a boy for a reason. But for now i really feel it's your hormones you'll get pass it. I was horrified when I found out I was pregnant with my SECOND set of twins. Making it babies 4 and 5. I didn't want them at all but don't believe in abortion and would never consider adoption I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing apart of me was out walking this earth and not in my life. However the point is it took me until about 22/23 weeks into my pregnancy I decided to accept them and started to feel an attachment to them. It was after the ultrasound that I found out they were girls that I did a lot of prayer and soul searching. And I said to myself, girl ready or not here they come, a piece of you. And eventually I came out that funk. I love my luv bugs to death like the rest. OAN: I can't believe they're about to be big sisters. 👯
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
you don't really get over it tbh you just kinda get used to it. I didn't want kids and this pregnancy was a surprised so all I wanted was a girl then but I'm having a little boy and he is very healthy which I am so grateful for but I still get upset when I hear someone I know is having a girl
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@izamarpink, yeah that might be what it is that my first was a girl and I had such a wonderful life having a girl that I couldn't see my second child any other way. I was trying to buy some clothes to just let it sit in that it's really a boy
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@goodcp16, yeah I'm glad you can totally connect with me. Like I'm happy my baby is ok even it's not what I wanted. I did my registry and cried the whole time cause when I started it I put girl stuff on there cause I just had that known feeling it was a girl. I feel even bad for my daughter because she wanted a sister. When I told her it was a boy, she cried and said no mommy this is wrong. 😞
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
yeah I understand completely
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I do understand your disappointment though.
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mamix3_, yeah I should be grateful my first was a girl that was what I wanted too. I need to start thanking God more that my baby is healthy for the most part. It's just a disappointment process I gotta get over ya kno?
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@towens921, yes I have a 4 yr girl I just wanted another one. I never wanted a son. @alainalovesmommy don't fwt me wrong I love my son simply because he's my child but I just wasn't prepared for a boy ya know? @jamielynn07 that's why I'm saying I'm being ungrateful because I do have a girl already
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
as long as you have a happy and healthy baby that should be all worried about hun.....maybe next time you'll get your girl. Boys are always mommy boys you will have a special bond with him that no one else will have. Be blessed!
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@yarika, yes he will make a way I'm praying for u hun
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@baby6aryn if his dad was involved I might be a little more settled with the fact that it's s not. But like this entire pregnancy he's ditched me, he couldn't even make it to the ultrasound for goodness sake. You know it's scary thinking I'll have to raise a boy alone.
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@jirahmiddleton, yeah it's like I was so sure it was a girl just like my first 4 yr daughter I knew she was a girl n we have an impeccable bond. I want to have that with my son but I feel like since finding out its a boy I feel distance from him
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@twins1987, trust me I know that. I'm a firm believer in God I just didn't want a son I'm scared to raise a boy alone because a women can't teach a boy how to be a man? You know? But I know God will make a way...guessing I'm just scared.
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@roxy.xoxo, yes I hope so
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Don't go shopping yet relax at home and just think of how wonderful a boy it's going to be. When I was pregnant with my first I hoped for a girl and when they told it was boy tears come out. I'm the only child idk what raising a boy is so j was scared and still in my heart thought it was a girl. Around 7-9 months I started shopping for him and fell in love with all the cute clothes and stuff. By the time he was here I thought he was the most wonderful and beautiful baby ever. I remember saying " and to think I wanted a girl." Now with this one I'm hoping is a boy again. He brightens up my day by waking up with a smile on his face ❤️👶🏻. You'll get there just be patient it's going to click when you least expected!
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I have the same situation however mine was in reverse. don't rush things about trying to feel connection. I actually found out sooner than you did because I did the blood test so honestly it no point that I have a connection I was just starting to accept the idea and I had finally gotten pregnant and then I had this to accept. You will make a connection and a bond at some point whether it's closer to the end of the pregnancy or after your baby has come . I did not until after she'd come. as for dealing with picking things out and doing a registry I went neutral and did not share with my family/friends what I was having. Honestly you need the items in order to take care of the baby you can always get clothes, there's always good sales and that's something that you can do yourself once you come to terms. I still think about it all the r time. I am happy to have a talk with you anytime you feel you need Somerton someone who understands.
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I felt the same way when I found out my babies will pass...
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
i went thru it my 1st pregnancy even had a name. SOFIA ARIANA when we were told boy i wanted to die lol,but today Daniel my first born is my bestfriend and i wouldnt want it any other way. my second baby just so happen to be another boy and although i only wanted 2 im on 3 and i finally got my girl. relax breath and shop hes urs u have to love him and watch him be ur main protector the ine to show u more love than any lil girl can. this was gods plan for ur life embrace it. shoot mybfriend tried 5 times for a girl she got 5 boys lol. be blessed
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I only want 2 children and was rooting for this one to be a girl since my oldest is a boy..nope 2 boys.. I'm scared lol
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was so sure I was having a boy but she turned out to be a girl . I was upset but after a month or so I started to fall more in love with having my daughter
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Wow I was just thinking about this. I really want a boy and think I think I'm going to have a girl. I'm so nervous. I pray you feel better about it soon.
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was disappointed with my first child. He was a boy. I cried at the ultrasound as well while his daddy was jumping up and down with excitement. I can say I got over it pretty fast maybe the next day. Lol. But it's your baby I'm sure it's the hormones right now. You'll get pass it and start to enjoy the idea of him. I know I'm so happy mine turned out a boy he's such a great big brother and protector for his sisters. And helpful mind you 😀
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was disappointed in having a boy too. I'm so sick of boys I know how messy and rowdy and hard headed they can be (I have 3 brothers) but the feeling will soon subside. He'll be your little love just give it time. It takes time to build a bond with a baby too so no pressure. Totally normal feeling.
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
You just have to accept it and look at it as a gift from God if he wanted you to have a daughter he would've blessed you with one he has a purpose for everything hun you'll get over it I'm sure @yarika
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I felt the same way but you'll get over it soon !! I was balling when I found out but now I'm more excited then ever
08.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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