NURSING MAMAS: Any tips for the biting stage? My little one just started biting and I swear I screamed so loud today that I scared myself so I know he was terrified! I sooo don't want to go to formula but this is not my life! 😩😒
I was given the advice of when they bite unlatch them, set them down in a safe place, and ignore for a few minutes. go back retry nursing and repeat with each bite. my friend swore it worked for her but I'm not to this stage yet.
I just talked to my mom about this who breastfed 3 of us. she said you can either bite back, obviously not super hard, or like the girls said flick the baby's cheek. it's to show the baby it hurt you. also try not to scream because he might think it's a game & keep doing it. my son his starting to teeth so I've been worried about the same. oh & my mom said she only ever had to do it once with all 3 of us & we never bit her again.
@emmygirle, i'm willing to do ANYTHING!! Today was rough for us from the pain and him from me screaming at him so we have to find a solution before he has to go to formula which would break my heart