so I'm sitting here having mild contractions and I am scared to tell my mom to take me to the hospital cuz my sister just had her baby and she thinks I am trying to rush her just because my sister had hers
girl just go I did that and went to sleep but I was up at 4am feeling something off and I got to the hospital and was 9cm so please don't wait because of what other ppl think I almost had my child in the car
well I have been having them almost all day and been giving her Lil hints I took a bath and layer on my side at the same time and they go away for a second and just come right back and it has been doing that all day
Try sitting in a hot bath and laying on your side if you don't want to bother her. When they get closer then tell her if she won't take you call an uber or an ambulance then she will know you are serious.