rosita warn
So I went to the restroom and noticed some blood...didn't think much of it since I do have hemorrhoids. Well I tryed to wipe again to make sure it wasn't too much and that it would stop, it didn't and there was a lot. I stood up to see where it was coming from and how badly....it was bad and it was from my rectum because of my huge grape sized h. I got nervous so I asked my husband to take me to the er...he asked Why I told him my hemrrhoid was bleeding and would not stop. he so sweetly sat on our bed and said let me see how bad it is....we both felt very occward about it but i ended up in the bathroom with my leg on my toilet and my husband on the floor staring up at my butthole. he sees my giant hemorrhoid and the first thing he says is "ohh that's why you don't want to have sex" we both laughed then got serious cuz it hurt and was still bleeding but very little by this time. Instead of going to the er he went into the store to get me ph and ph wipes and told me he would rather feel embarrassed than his emotional pregnant wife. He wants me to keep him updated everytime I go to make sure the bleeding stops or at least slows enough for me not to need my wet wipes anymore or we will go to the er to see what they can do for me. I'm writing all this because we may be married but don't do things like this....it took me a min to even ask him to look at my lips(down there) to check of I was all red and puffy still so I didn't have to stand awkwardly with a hand mirror. I love my husband but we still are working on being completely comfortable with looking at weird things. I love him so much for doing all this for me and shows me how muchhe really is conceded even more so while I'm pregnant.
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Me n my husband is still getting comfortable too well I am he just out there and weird but I love it

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Me n my husband is still getting comfortable too well I am he just out there and weird but I love it

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@reina_den, @aidensmommy that's what happened with my hubby and me. I love that we are getting more comfortable it's still just weird for even the thought though lol. I love that he did take a look because I was freaking out something was really wrong and he assured me it was okay for now and if the bleeding does get worse or persist even with the stuff then he will take me to get checked. I have a feeling once I call my doctor Monday they will either want to take it off or push it back in.

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Lol I love relationships like this ! I remember when I had issues with my vagina my boyfriend offered to look at it to see if it was red. It was so weird! I said no at first then I have in so I was laying on the bed while he inspected it. We're getting comfortable with each other now. It just takes time. 😂😂

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my husband is exactly the same way! one time My hemmorhoid was bleeding a bit and i was wearing a dress he looked at it and said it wasnt bad and patched it up with a bandaid😄 god i love this man 😍

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