So it's official my husband has officially left me to pick up the divorce papers yesterday and refuses to speak to me he blames all our problems on me and says I've been a horrible wife when just three weeks prior he was telling me how he wants a baby and our life is perfect. Once he started working at his new job working with all those women he changed he saw how beautiful they were and how ugly I am. It's crazy to think that next week was supposed to be our when your anniversary and how we had a family and we're trying to have a baby and now I'm never going to see him for my step daughter again and my family is broken. Everyone keeps tell me this is better for me because he was no good for me and he was horrible to me but at the end of the day I still love him. 💔😔

Лучший комментарий


you are beautiful its his loss girl keep your head up 😊
26.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
im so sorry to hear this girl. this is really hard to deal with . i cant imagine how you feel. i hope things work out for the better for you. and stay strong for your baby
26.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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