I wasn't put under. they only put you under if they haven't erupted yet. three weeks after delivery I'm supposed to have my other three surgically removed due to one almost being in my sinus cavity and the other two right on my nerve
ikr ouchhh I got a tooth pulled 3days ago & it's healing up now & I have to go to a specialist to get my wisdom tooths cut out my gums & they numb it & put nova Caine through tour gums with a needle to make sure it's numb enough to pull the teeth all yhu feel is pressure @bpgmom2010
I just got one pulled today actually because it was causing me bad pain. they told me to take Tylenol, honestly the taste of blood is the worst part for me.
@scc2413, that's aweful I couldn't imagine! @rika25 that's a lot! I'm glad I don't have that many. @lilybug I wouldn't have to be put under because it's through the gums, it would be just like extracting a regular tooth. I just don't know if I could have the novacaine
@scc2413, see I only have one wisdom tooth (as far as I know) I've considered calling my ob and asking what they think beacause it is really starting to bother me. but everything I've read says they won't.
Some Dentist will deny treatment because you're pregnant and some will do it but you can only take normal tylonel afterwards which alot of them won't recommend. Most dentist won't do it though for liability purposes of the mom and fetus. My Denist wouldn't even pull a single tooth that was broke from basketball a few years back and it ended up dying when the filing came out. I had to wait til after.
@kparis, that's what I've been reading😕 I have never had any issues at all with them before I actually thought I'd be getting away with not getting them at all. but now this on is KILLING me. its cutting a hole in the inside of my mouth from where it's rubbing and I can hardly eat. 😩
Yeah I dont think they will either. I know you can have regular cleanings and such but they probably won't be able to give any pain meds for extraction.