So I've been saying I'm going to transition into breast feeding.... But I have not been as serious about it as I should and I feel bad because I know it's probably better to breast feed when or if you can. It's just easier to go and make a bottle real quick and give her that rather then her breast feeding. Only because she doesn't latch on well so for breast feeding I have to pump and give her the breast milk from a bottle and when I pump I don't have much of a milk supply. I guess i just need to buckle down and pump regularly I guess. Anyone else having this problem with breast feeding ?
yes just keep pumping cause I only got to pump 1 time today but o 3oz off each breast so I was happy some better but IMA try pump at least 3times a day tho @mrs.boyd16
I feel you but I been makinh my self pump I get like 2oz off each breast but the breast milk go through so quick but I do use a little formula sometimes tho