Okay momnys this is my third pregnancy, I'm having cramping and back pain really bad and since it started about two hours ago and mr.J hasn't been moving since they started. I'm not sure if this is just Braxton hicks or what. Is this normal? I'm only 22weeks and I don't remember them starting this early last with my other pregnancies. Help!

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I've only had one baby, but my braxton hicks started EARLY at about 12 weeks! So it's never too early to feel braxton hicks, however, they should only feel like tightening and should never be painful, and if you are worried about movement you should always call your hospital or doctor or hotline if it's late to ask for advice, and if you can't, it's best to go in and get checked. It could just be growing pains, weird position, extra weight, etc....but it's always better to be safe than sorry, especially since you are very early still! Until you get ahold of someone, lie on your left side, drink a tall glass of cold water, and try and see if you can get the baby to move. If cold water doesn't calm the possible braxton hicks/arouse the baby to move, then I would just go in straight away. Please keep us updated so we know you and baby are okay!!!
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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