Wow. Thanks ladies! I feel much better. I did read that about not having much waste in the breast milk. I never had this issue with a newborn. I will definitely try to up my veggie intake. @foreveryoung247 @ilyric @motherof4_galore @verobaby @sarahdrew
@verobaby, is correct, when they don't poop everyday they are using the nutrients in the milk to grow and don't have any waste from it... I freaked out and called my lactation consultant and that's what I was told... my daughter would go 3 or 4 days sometimes, but it's because she was using it to grow instead of having all the waste
my doctor told me that a few days without pooping is normal for a breastfeeding baby because they don't have any waste from your breastmilk. it basically means your baby is taking in all the nutrition from your milk. if your baby seems uncomfortable or it continues for a week then I'd suggest calling the doctor or you can use a q tip to help.
Well it's all over the place I guess. Wednesday I had a bowl of beef and barley soup for lunch. Typically heavy grains like that make me very gassy and bloated. Do you think that could be it? What SHOULD I eat to get her going?
It happens some times. Does she seem like it's bothering her ? If she doesn't have a bm in the next day or two I would run it by the doctor just in case.