Lol! That's funny! Well the one from last night I looked at around 3mins & didn't see anything. Went to sleep and saw that line when I woke up and decided to take another look. 2nd one I took at work, so I checked it for a lil and then capped it and put in purse. When I took our after work it was there. That's why I'm just nervous. @kaylaweilert
I have ones of 8dpo that was the first but it's even lighter, the 8 dpo took the entire 3 to 5 min to show up and it didn't stay:( so when I tried to show my bf he thought I was nuts, 9dpo was a little darker and it stayed after the test dried, it took about 3 min to show up
I took a digital a week after I got the faint line cause my fiancée didn't believe the other test! Once he saw pregnant it set in for him that I was! Hoping you get another positive in a few days!
Congrats! I had a friend who put it into negative on her phone and it shows it better!!! I found out at 4 weeks on the nose and it was super faint! Try putting it in a negative filter!
mines was the exact way. i took it 2 days after missed period. i thought it was an evaporation line. so i tossed it. 2 days later i took another one and the line was clearly there. wait another 2-3 days and take 1 more! *baby dust*