Dr's aren't nutrionists ;) Is why when someone needs a diet change or assistance, they go to a nutrionists. You wouldn't go to a cardiologist if you had cancer of the liver would you? @jaeparm @mommyof632 Cereal can create long term effects that don't show until late in life. I don't see a reason in risking my child health honestly. but it's your child, your Dr bills.
@ilyric, I feel the same as you about this topic but most times I ignore it when people do this because they always say their Drs said its alright so they'll do it anyway. Sometimes Drs just aren't smart
it's her baby her choice, you wouldn't want someone to make a judgment about the choices you make as a mom. plus maybe her Dr told her to do it for reasons you don't know about. live and let live mama :)
there is nothing wrong with that I gave all my babies cereal at two weeks and they all are fine it helps them stay full and sleep my doctors recommended it