So, I still can't get baby to latch...but I bought a pump and have been pumping..I'm so happy that she is drinking my milk. It had been a difficult couple days...with my breast being extremely hard...and not getting hardly any milk...but with a lot of pain and determination... I am now pumping away. I try to pump every two hrs. If I pump for about 20min each side...I will get about 4oz. I may not be able to have the joys of baby latching and drinking and away, but I'm pretty damn proud that she is drinking my milk. my first baby I couldn't breast feed. so this time...I'm going all in....All or nothing! 😆

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if your breasts are engorged she might be having a hard time latching, if you pump just a little bit out before you put her to the breast she might be more successful.
11.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yes that's normal! 4oz is a good amount of breast milk! The older your baby gets and nurses more. The more milk you will produce. I made the mistake of thinking I didn't pump enough breast milk. I even got depressed. I nursed my son for a year though! And now I know that I always had enough milk for him. I was just freaking out for no reason. No mater how much you produce it'll be enough for your little.
11.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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