so my daugter is a month old I have breastfeed her since she was born no formula. I took my prenatal everyday I haven't changed nothing up in my routine. But my supply has vanished I am not producing no milk at all a small and weak stream comes out when I squeeze my breast. They are not full and very saggy. They don't hurt usually if I go a hour or 2 without feeding or pumping they will get huge and hurt very badly they feel empty my daughter crys when I try to latch her and she will. I feel sad and like a bad mom now I started her on Similac advance :( Need help
I just want to say please don't take what we say as us judging you for giving formula. formula and supplementing in general is not a bad thing. breast may be best. because it's healthiest and the most natural, but a fed baby is better than a starved baby. supplementing with formula is 100% okay but usually not necessary.
we want you to have the best chance to breast feed so we will only suggest the best ways to do it.
lol she is completely right! @crunchymomma drinking water & eating a well balanced diet is so important. I usually go to la leche league website they have soooo much information also. i haven't talked to a lactation consultant since i gave birth because my mom is such a breastfeeding advocate lol but don't feel ashamed if you do have questions like she said a lot of people doubt themselves & listen to other people about supplementing. that is the worst thing you can do when trying to breast-feed. just trust your body we as women our bodies are made to take care of our babies from conception to birth to beyond & breastfeeding is part of it. it's actually very rare to not produce enough milk if you do everything right like eat healthy, stay hydrated & most importantly feed on demand! it'll get so much easier but pumping is the best way to help your supply. if you have any questions feel free to hmu im serious i love helping lol
No problem :)
one of the number one reasons women stop breastfeeding is doubting themselves and their ability to nurse. we get paranoid and scared we aren't good enough. anytime you have questions about nursing the answer 99.9% of the time is to nurse on and it'll get better. try finding a good breastfeeding group to join on facebook where you can ask questions and advice. I'm in Mom's best- For Breastfeeding. and those ladies are AMAZING, it's basically where I learned everything I know, I'm nursing strong and have never spoken to a lactation consultant, even when I had latch issues and a milk bleb they helped me solve my issues on my own.
I agree with @verobaby it probably just regulated. keep nursing don't give her formula. if you feel like nursing on demand isn't making enough pump after each feeding or between feedings to increase your supply, and stay hydrated. if you're getting sick, or having your period (I know that's not likely right now) or even stressed out your supply will temporarily drop. I've always noticed if I forgot to stay hydrated my supply will drop, so if I go back to carrying a water bottle and drinking frequently then my supply comes right back. of course I always freak out a little bit so I drink lots of water and a couple cups of mothers milk tea, and frequently eat oatmeal and drink lactation smoothies lol.
all that sounds normal your milk has regulated. you will no longer feel engorged unless you don't feed for 5 plus hours. it wont hurt anymore & pumping will only produce a few oz on average but that isn't an indication of your supply. baby always is able to get more milk out than pumping or hand expressing. as long as baby still has wet diapers (pee) than you are fine. the same happened to me & I'm 5 months strong ebf. if you do feel like it you can always pump after feedings but I'm sure you are fine.
we want you to have the best chance to breast feed so we will only suggest the best ways to do it.