it hurts so bad !! all I've ever wanted in life is to be a mommy and a wonderful wife . we plan to get married on the day she was supposed to be due ! I miss her so much :(
I'm so sorry for your loss. the death of a baby is a pain that no one will ever understand. it's a pain that will stay with you forever, but will eventually start to subside little by little. I lost my daughter at 37weeks in April 2015. she would be almost a year old and I still have my days where I just cry and cry. I've been in therapy for 8 months and I believe that without it I would be an emotional mess. idk If you've considered therapy but that is something that I would suggest looking into because honestly no one will understand how bad you are hurting. but if you ever need to vent or cry please feel free to talk to me! I'll be here for you!!