totally TMI but im currently 10 1\2 weeks pregnant and I have creamy and sometimes watery discharge than can be beige/brown in color.... is this normal? I have a doctors appt next week but is that something I should go to the hospital now for?
Discharge is totally normal during pregnancy, and it usually increases. I have to wear pantyliners every day because of it haha, because I had the same problem. @cutebutlethal
@newmama2016, that's what my nurses line said but is it OK if it's watery? not enough that it bothers me but at the end of the day it's all over my underwear haha
I would at least call your doctor and ask about it. During my whole pregnancy I had discharge and sometimes it was a darker color but my doctor said I was unusual.
Actually, brownish discharge is usually nothing to worry about, it's usually old blood. So I wouldn't worry too much, but just give your doc a heads up. I had some too and my doc said it was normal.