Usually Braxton hicks stays in the belly area. Regular labor contractions go from your back and around to your belly you can tell the difference by drinking fluids or switching positions usually Braxton hicks will go away after you drink something or move around/lay down. And Braxton hicks should not come in rhythm. They should be irregular and barely last. And yeah for some women they are like period cramps some et them really bad and some barely feel them
Oh no I was asking what you meant by your question lol @ashleidhanyielle04282016 but once you start getting them you most likely will get them on and off until you go into labor, they just slowly start to get stronger the closer you get. At least that's how I was and everyone I know was.
Yeah they car be painful best thing is for you to breathe through them and stay calm, clenching up or stressing about when the next one will come will only make it feel worse. Try to do something that will distract you. When in labor I tapped the thing on my finger (thingy that was getting my heart rate) on the hospital bed to make a noise and just focused on that. Find something to stare at and do something with your feet or hands to keep your mind off the contraction.