Have a nice breastfeeding vacation, just spend your days relaxing with baby, skin to skin, eat well and drink lots of water, and breastfeed OFTEN. Let your baby stay latched as often and for as long as he wants, when he unlatches himself burp, change, and offer the other breast. You may notice when your milk comes in that your breasts feel very full and hard, this is engorgement and it's because when you first start producing your body isn't sure how much baby needs so it over compensates and produces a LOT lol it'll settle down to baby's needs and you won't feel engorged as much or anymore sometime around the 6 week mark. As soon as your milk is in and your baby is nursing well, count how many times he pees in 24 hours. You should be getting 4 or 5 pees, and if you are, this paired with normal weight gain at appointments means he is getting enough 😊 if you have any questions please feel free to let me know, I also have a group on Facebook called Boobymama's that helps mom's with breastfeeding if you're interested in joining, I'll drop a link here in the comments 😉