I'm a single mother of fraternal B/G twins. they are about to turn 5 months old on the 9th. I'm kinda worried bc my kids still have trouble rolling and holding their head up. they get over an hour everyday of "tummy time". they were born at 37 (almost 38 weeks) anyone have any tips to help them or a reason why they are developing slow?
you can try getting something that your baby likes , something that gets there attention, that might be a favorite toy, or the bottle, or like mine the electronics. lol. good luck. my friend.
when he started floor time, all of my 6 other boys cried and was fussy after about 5 -10 minutes, but my baby # 7,,, he is loving his floor time. now he sees the tablets and cell phones and he wants to be up on his knees and hands and wanting to Dive to get ahold of our electronics.
we downloaded the app YT KIDS , and my baby loves it , it catches his attention every time, so I started propping my cell phone up but away from him so that he can watch , what seems to be his favorite videos, The Wiggles. he was already familiar with them since he was a lot younger because of my 18 year old boy that has autism and special needs, he is obsessed with them. so the baby is very familiar with their voices when he hears them. every time I have him do floor time I do this. and like I said earlier, he is now 6 months old and on his knees and hands rocking.
hi there, my baby boy was 3 months when he started rolling over from belly to back and it only took him 4 days to go from back to belly,,,, he is now 6 moths and he is now on his hands and knees rocking back and forth . know I'm not sure if you are going to like or agree with my tactics or not but here you go, ,,, you see my husband and my 3 other boys that are still living at home have tablets and cell phones, ,,,,
My daughter is almost 6 months and still doesn't roll over. She holds her head ip. Some babies are just slower than others & them being born small & early will most likely cause a small delay for them.