So I have a question! It's long winded but here it goes! So I EBF my baby for the first month then I slowly incorporated Supplementing formula. I give him AT MOST 3 bottles a day. Basically I don't want to give him formula anymore. I would love to go back to EBF but of course my flow is not the same anymore. I used to be able to pump at least 5 feedings but that was when he was only drinking 2-3oz. He now drinks 6oz. So anyway I wanted to know if any of you mommies went through this & how did you go about it? I drink lots of tea & water and put Silas on my breasts every chance I get. I made lactation treats but haven't really been eating them. My best friend has been eating my treats and she said her milk flow is amazing. Maybe I should stop slacking and eat up! Help please!! Thanks ☺️.
It's hard to know how much is coming from the breast but just feed in demand whenever he is hungry or needs comfort. Sometimes it will be an hour between feedings sometimes it will be 3, is varies throughout the day, as does my milk I would assume.. As long as you're getting wet diapers baby is getting enough
Definitely get on those treats! Lol Gatorade helps with milk supply I've heard and keep nursing as much as you can and maybe pump when you get the chance