Did anyone start breastfeeding or pumping and feeding and decide to switch to formula? I'm on day 2 of formula feeding and feeling pretty guilty. My son couldn't really breastfeed (latch issues) so I pumped and fed, he was going through breast milk like it was water, eating 4 oz every hour to hour and a half; I couldn't keep up. it was extremely stressful, I was constantly pumping and not getting to spend time with him, the constant pumping caused me to bleed. He also was really gassy and threw up a lot. since starting him in reduced lactose formula he stays full longer and throws up less, and I get to spend more time with him; but I still feel super guilty. I wasn't breast fed, and no one has ever made me feel like I have to. so where does the guilt come from?

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The same thing happened to me. I couldn't produce enough so we supplemented with formula. She was still so upset and so we put her on all formula and now is happy and healthy as ever :)
14.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
if you feel like formula is better for him than that's what you do :) don't feel like you have to breast feed him. you can show him other ways you love him by cuddles, playing, singing, rocking him. I felt guilty with my first baby I didn't even try to breast feed but I loved feeding her her bottle. just don't feel bad!
14.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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