So overnight basically, morning sickness hit with a vengeance. Last night it started(mind you I'm 8 weeks and 6 days) and I heard this is the time where it'll get worse. And yes, I'm feeling it now. Thought sleep would get rid of it(even though I had trouble sleeping) and tried eating oranges since I love them and it is a change of smell. Nope. Still tired and feeling like shit. Sad thing is: I'm a DCW(direct care worker) who deals with snot, shit, and pureed food. I just pray to the Lord since I don't have Diclegis that I don't end up heaving over their toilet during dinner. 💀 I don't know what else to do and if you can't find coverage(like me), you're forced to work.

Лучший комментарий


I'm a cna and since I got pregnant I've had trouble with lots of things we deal with on the daily... sucks so bad. IDK how many times I've puked right in front of a resident. but they understand thank goodness
10.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm almost 10 weeks and my sickness has gotten worse than ever! I'm praying so hard that it's only for a few more weeks and stays in my first trimester
10.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I know how you feel it did that to me nothing worked he doctor have me phenogen or how ever u spell it sorry but that seemed to help a bit that's about it. It's sucks I still have mine in the morning when I first wake up but after a bit it goes away
10.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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