My fiancé and I were only together 2 months before we got pregnant and I'm, now, 26wks. He proposed when we had our gender reveal and I feel he only did it because we're pregnant. Our relationship isn't like it used to be before we got pregnant. He doesn't seem to understand how tired I am. I'm a tech in an ER and he doesn't seem to understand how much I'm running around the ER ever 12 hr shift and that I just wanna sleep when I get home, on my off days. How do I get him to understand? He won't talk to me. Anytime I bring it up he says he doesn't wanna talk about it, we're not gonna fight, then he just walks away. Most of my off days we spend at the neighbors. The only reason I go over there is because I think I'll get to spend time with him because if I didn't go he would go anyway, but while we're over there he's outside with the husband and I'm stuck inside with the wife. How can I get through to him? What should I do?

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Thank you. @ritababy123
09.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Communication is important. He needs to communicate with you ask him to have a civil talk no argument. If you can't talk this out its gonna be a lot harder to talk about other things. Keep your chin up, he might just be worried that arguing can hurt the baby :)
09.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Marriage is a commitment till death to we part. Many couples don't understand that. If he not telling you why I mean "WHY?" He loves you and why he wants to marry you. In God eyes there is no such thing as divorce. Marriage is forever :) I hope you find your answer honey @kristinleigh
09.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thank you for the advice. I've tried talking to him before cuz this isn't the only time I've brought it up or felt like this. It just keeps going back.
09.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
if your truly trying to commit to him as a wife, than you'll have to over look ever negative thing possible and fully submit and support every decision he makes. now I'm not saying to get run down and get ran over, you need to ask God to help him understand your needs. Have faith an stay praying for a change. God will help if you ask with an open heart. being pregnant also has our emotions everywhere so try to stay positive a d humble your thoughts. shoooo away the worms and snakes that try to cloud our minds!
09.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I kinda feel you on all this.. My fiancé & I were together for three months before I got pregnant & I'll be 30 weeks here in a couple days.. We have a great relationship, but it's taken work that's for sure. Nothing comes easy! I would just be honest with him & let him know how you feel, then go from there. Maybe he doesn't realize all of the things that are bothering you.. My biggest thing is always talk it through if there's an issue before deciding it's not the same or it won't work or whatever you know?? I wish you the best girl! I know it's tough
09.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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