So my husband and I got in a fight right after we filed our taxes. He got mad kuz I got upset kuz he is in dream world that we can pay off everything and move and be happy. So in this argument he brought up divorce, (again not the first time hes done this and did it after this too) He stated how Im never happy with where I am and how I make him miserable. Stated how we may have rushed into things too soon... We got engaged at 2 months and married at 6 and now we have a daughter that is a month old. So now hes telling me this? When he gets enough money to move and leave me if he wants. I used to think that he was a good provider until I had to quit work because of my pregnancy, now he just acts as if Im a burden on him.. I do feel like one. Like Im the mistake he made and he feels cramped in a corner waiting for me to call divorce. Also I was the main provider because I worked more and made more than he did, so me having to quit work @ 36 weeks due to dr orders, makes a big difference in money. And I seem to be the only one suffering. Im in my room 24/7 taking care of our daughter or sleeping, or up cleaning and doing laundry and Im such a burden.. I dont spend the money or any money in fact! Im really contemplating on spliting up and having a break but I have no way of doing that..
@makenna1018, except the financial change has gotten better.. for him.. even then its only temporary. Seems Im only ever there for the ride but miss the adventure
I feel like Im trying but its never good enough, even if it is.. its temporary and then he ends up complaining about it later. I do more than he sees and yet Im lazy and need to lose weight to become more attractive. I only gained 12 lbs during my whole pregnancy amd hes gained over 100 lbs since we got together.. yet im still here and still trying to love him but even then its hard because he never wants to be around me kuz I make him unhappy or if hes had a good day.. I ruin it
I'm sorry to hear you're having such a rough time at home 😓 But, I bet you're a strong mama and will do what's best! Do what makes you happy and is good for you and your little one❣Maybe now what you want isn't possible, just try to be patient, be strong, and remember "There has to be rain to have a rainbow"🌈💕✨ On another note, if you ever just need to vent, or just plain need someone to talk to, I'm here for you and you can message me always! 🤗