Love that you're not using pacifiers! My son is 3 months and I've never given him a bottle or a pacifier. People think I'm crazy but it's helped with my milk and he sucks his thumb if he needs to. Keep up the good work
Oh wow great job! Same thing, my girl was born 7lbs 7oz, lost 9% and gained it back in the first week! I wish you all the luck in your breastfeeding journey, if you ever need advice or just to vent let me know I'm here lol
That is awesome!!!! We won't be giving her a bottle of pacifier either. She's doing so well! She was born at 6lbs 7oz and lost 9% in the hospital. When we left on day 3 she was 5lb 13oz. Today at her weight check she was 6lb 4oz! Almost back to her birth weight 😊 @hellosweetie
Congrats mama!!! Gives me hope that when I have more kids I'll adjust to it a lot quicker second time around lol....this one was hard, I felt like giving up several times because she took so long to learn to latch without hurting me...we're 5 months strong now, not one bottle or pacifier in these 5 months 😉