So my mom, aunt, and bestfriends mom are all dreaming of fish. Nobody is pregnant and I have not tested yet. I had sex on the 22nd and I didn't know I ovulated on the 24th. I really don't want to get my hopes up or anything. How long before you can tell your pregnant? I want a baby but I don't want to get my hopes up again like I said. My gut is telling me take a test but I'm kinda pushing it off. Idk if I should follow my gut or wait but I actually think I am.

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you can normally tell two weeks after a missed period using a home test.
I'm irregular, so my last period was july I wasn't expecting it in August but I still took a test, and it was negative. in the beginning of September my boobs were hurting, I was really nauseous, I was hungry all the time, I slept a lot, and peed a lot, I took a test and it was negative. I took a test September 21st and it and out positive. my doctor confirmed and said I was 9 weeks. so sometimes tests are false. if its negative, do a urine test at the doctors :)
01.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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