Any advice for someone getting a c-section? 😟

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@sophiagracesmommy1220, i hope she cooperates for you! We are gonna have some stubborn babies being born!
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@febbaby1416, my baby goes from transverse breech to frank breech. I'll go to my high risk doctor and on the ultrasound screen she'll be transverse when I make it to my obgyn she'll be frank breech. So she switches her position but not to the correct position and my obgyn is worried that if I go longer I'll have more complications than I need to deal with
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@sophiagracesmommy1220, my baby is also frank breech. He has been like that a lot the last month or so
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@datinajoey, I'll try this when my s/o gets home lol
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@febbaby1416, I'm in the same boat. my baby been breech from 29 weeks and won't turn and now I'm 39 weeks and going in for a c-section on Monday my due date and I'm scared out of my mind. @datinajoey I've tried the rocking method on and it only made my babe go from sideways/transverse breech to frank breech and so I'm scared to continue to rock
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thank you so much @datinajoey . I've tried everything to get him to flip. He's been breech my entire pregnancy. Me and my doctor think there may be a reason for it but only baby boy knows what it is. I thought I was mentally prepared for c-section but now that we are actually planning it I'm kinda freaking.
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
use the post wrap!
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@febbaby1416, I know not many are comfortable with breech birth, but if you are, it'd totally possible if you can find a supportive provider. But YOU have to be comfortable with it. If you're not and you want the section, I. completely support that. Also, it is NOT too late for your baby to flip! My oldest flipped at 41w2d! It can happen! Check out for tons of ideas to help turn your nugget. If you do end up with a section, I promise you'll be ok. I've had 2 sections, a vaginal birth after 2 sections, and am planning a home birth this time. Do not believe anyone who tells you "once a section, always a section",if that's not what you want. Now.... when you get the spinal or epi, it's going to sting for a few seconds. Then you'll feel nothing. You'll feel pulling and tugging but no pain. When they say, "lots of pressure" expect to feel LOTS of pressure up in your lungs then complete relief as your babe is born. Look into "gentle sections" or "family centered sections" My second was a million times better for this reason. I was not strapped to the table. There was no curtain so I watched the surgery. He was handed to me immediately. We did delayed cord clamping. I nursed him on the table while they closed me. In recovery, when the anesthesia starts to wear off, you may get nauseated and shaky. It's a huge surge of hormones and medications. Its going to be painful. Don't be a superhero - take the pain meds. They help. Pooping will be scary for a few days, but you won't die. I promise. Take it easy. Let others wait on you. Do not over do it. You'll heal beautifully. But like I said..... spinning babies! Turn that bub! (please feel free to pm me also)
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
You'll do great!!!
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thanks @chichi1975 @mommy508 @levismommy2014 ! @datinajoey my baby is breech at 37 weeks so we have to schedule a c-section for 39 weeks. I'm super nervous. This is my first baby plus I've never had any kind of surgery before!
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
just don't freak out. I'm going to be having my 4th. there are risks like any other procedure but it's really not as bad as people make it seem. and whatever you're feeling during, make sure you tell your anesthesiologist, who will be sitting right behind you, so you can get the medicine you need whether it be nausea medicine, calming medicine, whatever. he or she is there for you through the whole thing.
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Just like @chichi1975 said not as bad as they say. I'm having my third one in June. Just relax and listen to what the doctor says and if you feel scared or worried talk to him/her.
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Why are you having a section?
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'll be having my second in March.. it's a little scary at first. but once they explain it to you, you'll do fine(:
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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