Valerie Ramos
Valerie Ramos
Mommies I need your opinion... my husband has been watching breaking bad none stop for the past couple of weeks, my LO recently started paying attention to the TV as soon as she sees the bright light or hears the noise she turns her head & stares at it for long periods of time... I know she's young & doesn't understand... But I told my husband some of those scenes (like strippers, killing blood) are too graphic, so I told him he should change it. He got extremely upset... He asked me for earphones so he could watch it on his phone while holding the baby while he put some cartoons for her to watch. So I told him "just give her to me so you can watch your show your fine" he got so upset. & he took it as if I didn't want him to spend time with her. 😔 idk what to do.

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If he wants to spend time with his girl he should pay attention to her and not the tv, it's not great for baby's development to watch tv before the age of 2 anyways! Sorry not trying to be harsh, but like I said, if he wants to spend time with his lil girl he should turn the tv off and pay attention to her!
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Wow... I'm sorry girl.
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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