I thought for sure when I found out I was my pregnant again that our oldest who is almost eleven would act out but no our two year old is instead! she is on a breaking spree! I am going crazy, she broke a plate two picture frames and just now our good tv in living room. :/ I have no energy so maybe she feels like I'm not paying enough attention to her spoiled butt? ! what ever it is I need her to get over it because she is making life way more expensive right now!

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yes the baby is usually the one that will act out because they won't be the baby any more... unfortunately they just have to get over it.. make sure she is properly punished to the way you see fit, and try to explain to her what's going on.. it's hard at that age to get that across.. maybe but her a baby doll and have her "take care of it" maybe it will help with the transition.. I love the water babies at Walmart because they can bath them and everything else
21.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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