I had a the foley bulb inserted because I was 1cm and wasn't dilating at all. at first it just made the contractions stronger but did absolutely nothing. they put it in Wednesday and kept it most of the day Thursday. then the doctor came in and broke my water and that Was really uncomfortable. then they had me hooked to an IV and the rush of water was so annoying it got all over the floor when I had to go to the bathroom. but after the broke my water my contractions got a lot harder and closer together that I was in so much pain so they gave me the epidural which I thought it would be a pinch but I felt it through my pain and that hurt so bad! but after words I felt so amazing. I didn't feel my contractions which were 1 minute apart. by 6pm Thursday the doctor said I was ready to push and I had my baby by 6:53 that night :)
If you need a foley bulb to help dilate you, that is not any fun. That to me was almost worse than the contractions and pushing. But it isn't in that long and it comes out quick but it made me cry being pulled out. I also asked for sleeping meds because it was so uncomfortable in.
If you have to have cervidil, fair warning it's extremely uncomfortable & when they put it in it hurts because it has to go behind your cervix to soften it. They only do it though like if you stop dilating. I couldn't get past 1cm so they had me do it. Good thing is though if you make it to I think 4cm they switch it to the IV stuff. I never made it that far I ended up having a c section after 2 days and no dilation. It did put me in full blown labor but that was about it. :)
Contractions come faster a little more intense then when they come natural. But they can give you something to reduce the pain. When it oxytocin goes in your veins it dose kinda burn but nothing to bad. And me personally I was ready to push about 30 to 40 mins after they gave it to me. I didn't get a epidural due to having to have a premature birth. But to me it wasn't to bad as far as the labor. But my baby was really small.