Valerie Ramos
Valerie Ramos
As a FTM I never thought PPD would hit me.. It most certainly did the first 3 weeks ... I would cry every time my husband would hug me lol or every time I would take Leila off my chest to lay her down in a bassinet less than 2 feet away... It got so much better after 3 weeks... I'm now 7 weeks PP & I'm dealing with PP Anxiety... & having the anxiety along with OCD drive me nuts I can't even explain the things I catch myself doing... 😔 they make me laugh but I realize it's really affecting me so much!!!!

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@lilshortgirl, it is rough. I've been fighting depression and anxiety for a few years now and it's no joke.. I can't imagine the ocd too.. Although I can be overly detailed about how things should be, I know that it's no comparison.
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@hellosweetie, we aren't alone & I hope we get through it. I was told all mommies are different most go through PPD some go through PP anxiety... I just think that if my OCD didn't get in the way it would be easier to cope with!
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@nurseriri, I have the same issue! & it's worse when I don't even let my husband help me 😔
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@queendavis, awe thank you! I've been in Bakersfield for 2 years, I never bothered to make friends I was all school & work! Until I got married & pregnant I've been looking for mommy groups for support I found a couple & im attending a mommy & me class soon ☺️ what side of town do you live in?
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@lilshortgirl, I remember them taking him to the nursery and me bawling my eyes out that's when I realized something was wrong. Didn't want anybody touching him and did t want him to leave my sight. I have the help at home with him but rather do it all myself and I will get burned out. Nervous now about returning to work in April. But not as sad as before.
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@nurseriri awe I hope it gets better. I never cried out of sadness exhaustion or overwhelm I just couldn't express how happy I was or wrap my head around everything that happened during labor! But I hope you get better aswell! I'm here to talk ☺️
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've been struggling really bad too with the same issues, I don't know if it's brought on by PPD, because even as a child I can remember having anxiety issues and even OCD tendencies, basically all my life...but it certainly seems worse now than it has been....if you need someone to vent to, let me know I'm with ya...
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
You're not alone girl! I think we all kinda go through it after having a baby. Things will get better, I promise! I'm in Bakersfield too btw if you ever need a mommy friend 😊😊
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@myliltadpole1116, thank you ☺️ i just never dealt with anxiety, I've had OCD for so many years & it actually went away when I was pregnant! Lol but anxiety & OCD have me doing some funny crazy stuff!!!
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@lilshortgirl, I had the baby blues first week after birth. Becoming a mom for the first time is incredibly scary, overwhelming, and exhausting, even as it's life changing and awesome at the same moment. But I'm slowly adjusting.
I cried more easily than usual, had trouble sleeping, felt irritable, sad, and on edge. feeling blue immediately after birth is perfectly normal. But feel better
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Just remember your not alone💞
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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