my fiance literally just said I shouldn't be treated any differently just because I'm pregnant... so that's why it's okay to hit me. what an idiot

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babygirl, I was in an abusive relationship. he pushed me, he punched me, he slapped me, he threw me like a rag doll and raped me very often. he destroyed my things I cared about most. he broke a lot of my stuff. when he hit me, i hit him back. i even threw our christmas tree at him once because he held me down and spit in my face. no matter what i did it was no match considering I'm only 5'1" maybe 150 lbs at the time & he was 6'4"and at least 250lbs. some days were okay. however, the bad days out weighed the good days. all this was happening under my parents roof. this went on for a year.. my younger brother heard him hitting me and got my dad. my dad kicked him out. my brother was too scared to interfere.. the day after he got kicked out I packed his stuff and told him he would never see me again. I thank God every day my brother got help because he very well could of killed me.. I also thank God he never got me pregnant. Contrary to what you may believe hunny, it does not change at all. it may stop for a bit, but it will not stop forever.. I can promise you. he told me so many times it was an accident he was sorry. or he wouldn't of hit me if I didn't hit him. you need to realise you are a woman. it isn't okay for him to hit you because you hit him. it's not okay for you to hit him either. I advise you to get help. I advise you to leave.. don't let it continue. you have a baby on the way and that is no way for a child to grow up.
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
ladies. its her choice her life. she's obviously venting and he didn't say anything about her babys life. some men just don't understand how much of an impact pregnancy is on women's bodies. I've been in abusive relationships been beaten raped and emotionally abused in past relationships. yes he's an asshole for his words and past actions but if she doesn't want to leave him that's her choice. don't make her feel like a horrible person for no leaving him. my boyfriend and I are very hot headed people in the past we were very emotionally abusive and have had times where we threw things. we have grown since then and things are amazing. I didn't listen to everyone saying to leave because I saw the potential in him I saw the good.
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
wow so u don't see why you should leave him .. he just told you that your babies life doesn't matter
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
coming from someone that was in a abusive marriage in the past RUN RUN far away for you and your baby. it's not healthy for you but especially for your child. best of luck
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Maybe you guys should split.. it's obviously a toxic relationship if you are both abusive... it's not okay for either one of you to hit the other. so you both have problems you need to work out...
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Girl it sounds like he's brainwashed you into thinking this is ok... Get out while you can. If he has no problem hitting you aren't you afraid of how he will act when there's a child present?
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
you need to seek help sweetie. ive been down that road. its not safe for you or your child. PLEASE GET HELP. prayers for u.
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I pray to the Lord that if you stay with him, he doesn't hit you where the baby is located. I would hate to see anything bad happen to you or your unborn.
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
yeah I've heard worse
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thats wrong. That he would hit u, pregnant or not. Im sorry hun but u shouldnt take that kind a crap from him.
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
that was a threat
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
cus he wasn't hitting me he just said it. he's done it in the past. we both have
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
uhhhh and why didn't you go to the cops?!
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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