So, my child woke up screaming a little while ago. I made him a bottle and went to change him. When I picked him up, I noticed he was burning up! I took his temp. 101.0! he refused the bottle. we gave him tylenol. I had my Fiancée call the hospital and the receptionist laughed!!! I'm beyond mad!! He's teething. He's had diarrhea for a few days and has some congestion. I don't know what to do and all that twat did was laugh. no advice at all!! no concern in her voice. at all. I'm a ftm to an 8 month old and this is the first time he's been sick. I worry. I have his humidifier on, I think I'm going to put some vicks on his feet +socks. He's finally going back to sleep. It's going to be a rough night.
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I just have the generic dollar store rexall brand baby chest rub, but I always put it on his feet.

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@isaiahjamesmommy, I completely agree she should not have laughed about that at all and ok good when my son was first born I didn't even know they made baby vicks I hope he feels better

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either way @rykersmommy1 she should NOT have laughed at a concerned parent. nothing about a child having a fever is funny. I know to use baby vicks. and Thank you.

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yes. he's just very congested today
I've sucked boogers out of his nose a couple times this morning. @damiensmommy2015

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where I'm at the er receptionist aren't allowed to give you advice or even tell you if you should come in or not.... my dr said with teething it could cause up to a 101 fever and if it goes over thay or if tylenol doesn't help then take them to the er. he also says to trust your instinct tho if you think he needs to go then take him it's better to go to the er and it be nothing than not take him and it end up being something. also I'd use the baby vics I hope he feels better soon sending thoughts and prayers your way

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glad to hear. did you get his fever down?

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I'm waiting until tomorrow, but I am going to file a complaint about said receptionist. his fever broke. he's fine now. He actually slept through the night until about 8:20. I have some mucous to work in getting out of him, but I think he's going to be okay.

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Go to the hospital!!!

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I've been told by all the doctors go to hospital if it's 100.4 or higher. also you can give him a lukewarm bath to cool him. if it's cold it can make him shake which will actually make him warmer

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Our doctors around here tell us anything over 100.4 go to the ER.
I've taken my son twice in a week. He didn't have fevers but he's been screaming, coughing, has a stopped up and runny nose, his puke smells like pure acid, etc. I mean even holding him is a fight to get him calm. They just keep sending us home saying keep an eye on it. I'm like I have kept an eye on it and now I'm back so fix my baby!

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try a cool bath and at all cost wipe him down with 1/2rubbing alcohol and 1/2water mixture

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I would have been extremely upset at her reaction. As a mom, of course we are going to worry! When my daughters umbilical cord was falling off I called her pediatrician about 2x a day lol. Try Hyland's teething tablets. They are amazing. They disobey very fast and my daughter LOVES them. They relieve any discomfort in minutes. Good luck!

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I would be pissed too! I took my daughter in a steamy bathroom and chilled there with her to help congestion. Just try to make sure you clear his nose as much as you can. My baby just recovered from a double ear infection because of all the mucous!! :(

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My daughter is 9 months and the exact same thing happened to her, she was teething, i just gave her medicine, and it calmed down, if the fever doesnt then you should go to the hospital

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