i had a terrible nightmare.
i was invited to a big baby shower type thing and this guy in a costume who was playing with some kids comes over. i could clearly see he was a football player at my old highschool.he crawled out of the costume and went in for a hug before whispering sorry and putting his hand over my face. i tryed to scream for help but it was too late.. when i regained consciousness this black tar was all over my belly and the baby was gone i couldnt stop crying and started searching for my baby. ( me being so far he had to of lived) and yeah. i just couldnt wake up. i was so torn..

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i would have talked to him about it. writing a post and him reading it doesnt help you the way it would if you actually talked to him about it. its better in my opinion to talk then to wait for hin to read it
09.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
i woke up to tell my fiancee but hes been watching my posts on this app so i didnt
09.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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