So ftm here, my son is 3 months old and I have been breastfeeding since the day he got here. Every other feeding it seems he throws up or spits up half of what he ate. Everyone in my family thinks it's my fault because I openly will say I don't eat right, I'm not a huge veg or fruit fan but to help with that I still take vitamins. Am I doing something wrong? Should I switch to formula?
At 3 months it's normal for baby to spit up a lot. My daughter is almost 5 months and still has days where she spits up a lot. Make sure you burp baby after every feeding that helps a lot. Also maybe try bottles that help reduce the amount of air baby takes in while eating.
My baby did the same thing for the first few months. She finally stopped throwing up at about 4 or 5 months. The doctor never could figure out why, my nutrition was great and I even tried avoiding certain things.
I have been breastfeeding since the beginning also. My daughter is 3 months. I wasn't eating the way I should have been after about a month So when she hit 11weeks I started giving her half formula (3oz BM and 2oz formula) every other bottle. the other bottles just straight breastmilk
don't stop BF, it will get worse with formula... try burping more often though. acid reflux is a huge thing and very stressful at times...but if you talk with your ped. and they think it's bad enough their is a medicine they can give you. but try taking the baby off more often to burp, he won't like it lol but it will help him keep it down, and do you feed on demand?? I breastfed my daughter for 19 months so I will help in any way I can!!! good luck momma!!
my son does the same. my doctor said it's a mixture of acid reflux, which all babies get, & gas. they just spit up a lot during this age frame. as long as he is growing & gaining weight you are doing great & i don't think you should give up. if you are still uncomfortable or worried talk to your baby's doctor. i mean they know more than any of us would. good luck!