So we did breastfeeding some in the hospital when Julia was born 5.5 weeks ago but since she would only latch on one side, I just switched to primarily pumping (exclusively pumped for Julia's big sister for 11 months as well) and at her 4 week check up, I told her pediatrician that she still latches some (which she does but she just got over thrush so I wasn't taking the chance) but I was primarily pumping. At that time, I had pumped over 700 ounces and had close to 250 ounces in the freezer (I've since pumped close to 900 ounces and have used some freezer stash cause of some supply issue due to a pump piece breaking and I had to use a manual til I got a new piece in), and her pediatrician told me how she had been bragging on me because of how easy pumping was going for me. I got a good job here and there from my 2 year old's old doctor but never any praise like what Julia's pediatrician has given me from the start. With the grief I get from my mom, the praise I get from her doctor makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside but knowing I'm still giving my girl the best thing for her intensifies that feeling even more since, at home, I only have my husband's support (living with my mom and stepdad temporarily).
thanks :) I want to get to a year minimum but it's going to depend on how my going back on Lyrica effects her since there's not a lot of study in breastfeeding mom's with it. her doc said once we get her reflux under control and get her weight gain up a tiny bit more (she's gaining weight well but not quite as much as they want cause of her reflux) then she was fine with me going back on a low dose and gradually going up on it while we watch Julia to make sure it's not majorly messing with her. if it comes to where it does mess with her then I'll keep trying to stay off of it as long as possible so I can pump/BF as long as I'm able to