My daughter is 13 weeks & is EBF! I planned to breastfeed and since day one we have had an amazing experience. I held out on giving her a bottle to avoid nipple confusion but here we are 13 weeks and now she's refusing to take a bottle! I feel like I shouldn't have ever started and just started her on bottles! How can I go back to work knowing she's not on a bottle 😔
I don't know if this works for everyone but my son is breastfed and since day one I made sure once a day he ate out of a bottle. It was hard at first and he hated it. But now he's ok with both. He obviously loves the boob more but he's ok with a bottle. Try that.
I could be going out on a limb here but I've heard a couple stories of BFM who have had to use nipple guards to breast feed due to the difficulty of latching, cracked nipples or other complications & after a while , their baby would only take bottles & not the boob .. otherwise theres a bottle called "Munchkin Latch" my daughter whos a strict boobie girl didnt fight as hard to take. maybe try google, pinterest or maybe your pediatrician has some ideas?? Hope you find something that helps! good luck.
I have tried tommee tippee, avent, playtex, Dr. Browns, mam and some others! She hates it! And I have left her for 2 hours before and she refused to eat the whole time. I have been told to keep leaving her and eventually she will take it but i don't feel comfortable doing that knowing my baby is hungry