We have his crib next to our bed. Since first day he've been sleeping ther. But last week he start to cry alot and he sleeps with us. Trying to put him to the crib today.
My husband is gone 95% of the year for work. So it's just me and my son most of the time. For that reason he still sleeps with me, it's easier on both of us this way and because I have NO help with him at all and even if my husband was home j still wouldn't have any night time help so because of that I do what gets us the most sleep and that is having him sleep with me.
We Co slept for 5 months then I moved her in the bassinet right by the bed now we're either gonna wait till it gets warmer (our house gets cold easy especially in her room ) or until she starts pulling up to move her to her own room
4 months. She was in a bassinet by our bed for the first few months, but she became too big and moved too much for it after a while. So when she went into her crib, she went into her own room as well.
We slept with him between us in a little co sleeper bassinet until about a month old, then moved him to the upper part in his pack and play beside our bed. Not sure if it's more for him to be comforted by being near us, or for our comfort 😂❤️ @isaiahjamesmommy
Every mother is so different. I know it's all a matter of mine and my finance's feelings towards it. Just trying to get a general idea. He's 3 months and I am in NO way thinking anytime soon. I do lay him in there for naps from time to time. I'm a worry wart ;) aka- first time mom.
@queendavis @thehowtohippie