does anyone else have the problem of their partner sleeping through your baby! and when you bring it up to them they say it's not my fault I sleep through the baby! just wish he would help out more :-(

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my daughter is 9 months old and my husband says the same thing. i worry how am i gonna do it with a newborn in july and a toddler she will be in march of next year. anybody else struggling with this :(
30.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
I started to pump instead of direct breastfeeding so my husband could help more. He nows get out of bed and helps through the night. It also helps to have some what of a schedule so it's easier for both if you to know who does what feeding
29.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
my husband sleeps through our baby. it doesn't bother me. if I need it I just lay my lo next to him and she pulls his hair. then he wakes up.
28.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
my husband is a truck driver so he is hardly home and when he is all he wants to do is work on his truck! so it seems like i dont get any helo from him!
27.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
My husband does sleep through the baby. Always has been a heavy sleeper. It isn't his fault. But I do all the night time work because I breastfeed. There's no point in him getting up when I stay home and he leaves for work at 4 am and comes home at 8 pm. It does upset me sometimes because I get zero help during the week, but he helps on the weekends as much as he can.
27.12.2015 Нравится Ответить
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