maybe cause the kicks make me sick?... it's not exactly a happy thing for either of us then I guess... I'm probably just being hormonal about him. again, my fault. 😧
@abella1023, my hubby is amazing and I love him but he doesn't think it's a big deal to feel the baby kick. He has a few times and he thinks it's kinda cool but it's still not real to him either.
mine is an amazing man, just great, but totally freaked when I put his hand to feel once without his permission. won't do that again... and it's weird because we've spoke a lot about the pregnancy in general and he is excited as heck and it's very real to him already. it's almost like it's too weird that my body is changing so much?
Some guys don't get as excited about it as we do. It's mostly because it's not as real to them at the moment and its just a concept that they think about. Sometimes it's takes them all the way to the baby being born before it becomes real to them.