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Когда почувствовала шевеления второго малыша? Срок 18 недель, чувствую ли движения, переживаю
When did your second baby’s moves become strong enough to feel? I’m 18 weeks and unsure if I’ve actually felt baby move. It’s been over 6 years since I was pregnant and don’t remember much but I do remember the anxiety of wondering if my baby was okay 😅
boymomx4 14-15 weeks with my second. About 14 weeks
ksmommyx3 Around 19 20 weeks
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McDonalds: Почему бы не сделать обеденное меню на весь день? Хочу чизбургер в 8:45 утра!
McDonald’s should really have an all day lunch menu, im pregnant and should be allowed to get a cheeseburger at 8:45 am 😭😂
sourpatchkids They should just get rid of their breakfast tbh
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Что лучше всего помогает от тошноты? Советы и рекомендации для облегчения симптомов
Best thing for nausea?
lorimord Eating small meals helped me and ice water !!!
mommakaylax3 Jolly ranchers! The preggo pops did nothing for me.
llamapantaloons Nibbling on saltine crackers and rice cakes helped me a bit.
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5 недель беременности: видно плодное яйцо, но нет сердцебиения - переживаю, что делать?
I need some reassurance.. I was at ER for a really bad pain in lower left abdomen (turns out I pulled a muscle) but they did an internal ultrasound and saw baby in uterus measuring 5w and 6d but no heartbeat detected, I know it’s still pretty early but I can’t help but worry about my little blueberry 🥺
justgotaname I don’t remember the exact weeks/days I was, but I believe about 5.5 weeks. I was seeing
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Am I the only one so sick by week 6 of pregnancy?
Did any other moms feel SO SICK by week 6 of pregnancy? I can hardly sleep cause I always wake up having to throw up… I’m so exhausted, all I want is some peaceful sleep and my appetite back 😭
lorimord Yea ! This was me for a while - it went away mid second trimester. Hold on
joyferggg All three of my pregnancies! Have you tried taking Unisom and vitamin B6??? Obviously, at bedtime LOL.
j.luciano With my 4 month old, I was throwing up from weeks 5 to weeks 13/14 weeks 🥴😭
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