When did your second baby’s moves become strong enough to feel? I’m 18 weeks and unsure if I’ve actually felt baby move. It’s been over 6 years since I was pregnant and don’t remember much but I do remember the anxiety of wondering if my baby was okay 😅
I need some reassurance.. I was at ER for a really bad pain in lower left abdomen (turns out I pulled a muscle) but they did an internal ultrasound and saw baby in uterus measuring 5w and 6d but no heartbeat detected, I know it’s still pretty early but I can’t help but worry about my little blueberry 🥺
justgotaname I don’t remember the exact weeks/days I was, but I believe about 5.5 weeks. I was seeing
Did any other moms feel SO SICK by week 6 of pregnancy? I can hardly sleep cause I always wake up having to throw up… I’m so exhausted, all I want is some peaceful sleep and my appetite back 😭
lorimord Yea ! This was me for a while - it went away mid second trimester. Hold on
joyferggg All three of my pregnancies! Have you tried taking Unisom and vitamin B6??? Obviously, at bedtime LOL.
j.luciano With my 4 month old, I was throwing up from weeks 5 to weeks 13/14 weeks 🥴😭