9 hours till my induction..... SO NERVOUS I also have dermals hip piercings and the lady said if I have to get a C section they can cause me to light on fire and burn to death. I think this brings giving birth to a whole new meaning.
I had 4 and they made me get them removed as soon as I hit my second trimester, damn did that hurt! Definitely easier getting them done as opposed to getting them out 😣
@ligermama, exactly. Make sure you tell them exactly where they are. @madz13mama13 , the cautery is just another way to stop bleeding. They can use it carefully or use clamps, and closing won't be affected 😉
She sure sounds like it. If you are nervous (and you have every right to be) make sure when you go in that it is on your chart about the piercings. Insist that everyone know about it!!
Catch on fire?! Sounds like someone was feeling judgemental and trying to scare you. If you would really catch on fire and die, I'm certain they would cut them out for an emergency c section. Try not to worry. A surgeon is not going to let you burn to death during birth!!
Holy hell! That's metal af. Don't worry, I feel. I've lost 6 piercings to this pregnancy, mainly due to hormone issues, though. Had an anti eyebrow anchor dermal that rejected and had to be popped out due to hormones. Good luck, momma! Hope all goes well!