FINALLY things are looking up! BF's lawyer said she's trying to waive his backpay child support because it's not his fault that his ex wife's lawyer was slow and that the court didn't get papers out in time. hopefully he won't have to pay her that unintentional backpay, and then we might actually be able to survive the year without being destitute since I can't go back to work yet. and after 3 months of waiting he's finally getting the final papers!
also, 32 weeks today! couldn't be happier even with the shitty weather!

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they have 50/50 custody, he has a job and does everything for his daughter. the ex wife keeps cups, clothes and anything she can because she doesn't want to work she says "its too stressful". and he had been calling and trying to talk to people and get answers for three months. child support here is paid via checks to the cs office. without the papers (which we just got) he had no way to pay anything. it's not his fault. everyone thinks because the man gets stuck paying cs that he's some deadbeat or something when in fact its the opposite, but because WI is a no fault state the courts don't care that the ex is a lying, cheating, mentally ill (diagnosed with at least 3 different problems) and refuses therapy. they don't care about all that, just the difference in finances. so, we are relieved to finally have answers and get shit done.
17.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
Sounds quite selfish to me whether the papers were done correctly and in time or not he and she still had a kid which as adults they should have both stepped up for and kept records of what was paid for by whom. In way he supported the kid financially he should have kept a record of maybe then you wouldn't be paying at all because he would have stepped up before to take care of his kid whether the court system was involved or not💁🏽 both parties at fault sorry no sympathy there
17.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
They screw up and you end up paying for it. Sounds like the legal system. @pregnant.midwife2016
17.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
yeah the CS office has been no help, my BF isn't against paying CS but he shouldn't have to pay backpay because the legal system is stupid and didn't give us any answers or help. ugh. government bull crap.
17.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
Hope things go the way you want them to. My ex owes between 45-50 thousand in back pay and interest. I hate dealing with the child support department. @pregnant.midwife2016
17.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
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