Jessica Coffman
I guess you could call this a rant....
I can't catch a break long enough to enjoy my pregnancy. Me, my daughter and her dad all share a bedroom at his aunts shitty apartment (we've been here 6+ months) we just found out Monday we had been approved for a 2 bedroom apartment somewhere else and we just had to wait a month for one to open. Well we get a letter Friday that he makes to much with overtime and we won't be eligible until after our baby is born in January. My kids deserve so much more than I can give them and we're gonna be a family of 4 stuck in one bedroom. Fucking pipeliners and oilfeild people have jacked up the rent so high we can't afford to rent anything else. I can't deal with my life anymore.
8.5 лет

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I'm sorry but that's so dumb of them, that he makes too much with overtime it's not like he will be getting overtime all the time

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I'm sorry but that's so dumb of them, that he makes too much with overtime it's not like he will be getting overtime all the time

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