My son is 4 days old and I'm breastfeeding. Every time he eats he throws up. I called the dr they told me he's over eating he eats just about every hr. Any ideas of why he's throwing up? I'm really scared thinking my milk is bad
The dr. Just called me I guess the gal I talked to was a nurse. The dr. Said breastfed babies will stop eating when they are full and that he could be swallowing air. And that I shouldn't worry.
Just over eating and throwing up what his stomach can't take. My baby does it. Some people might tell you that breastfed babies don't over eat but I personally don't believe it.
It's not your milk. Sounds like you have a great supply already. You more than likely just need to wait until he slows down a bit during a feed and burp him. Also, try feeding him in a more upright position such as laid back. He could be swallowing air due to a poor latch and adjusting that could solve the problem. Don't give up! The internet has tons of research to help you out.