what juice do you start with? and what age? my LO is 6 months and people keep telling me I should start giving him a little diluted juice but... is that right?

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Babies don't ever NEED juice. But if and when you do introduce it, totally cut it in half with water. If only for the money savings... I've had two kids, and believe me, you go through juice; might as well pay half price! 😁
20.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
Only introduce juice if he can sit up and drink from a cup. You're not supposed to put juice in a bottle. 100% juice with no added sugars! You don't need to add any water unless you want to. And I'd never give him anymore than 1-3oz. Start with a little and work your way up. Babies don't need juice though, in fact they're better off without it and would benefit more from fresh fruits and veggies!
20.08.2015 Нравится Ответить
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