Evelynn or Everett
that phone call kinda sucked. I forgot to cancel my appointment after my miscarriage and they called me today to remind me... but we are actively trying now n might find out in the next 4-5 days if we are.. fingers crossed
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we r today b4 I got ready for wrk I got hit w a massive migraine... n I wrk where there is a taco bell n the smell is making me sick... I hope that is a sign

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we r today b4 I got ready for wrk I got hit w a massive migraine... n I wrk where there is a taco bell n the smell is making me sick... I hope that is a sign

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@lsjmama87, - I know what you are feeling... I been there actually 3 times. The first time, I was 19 years old and 16 weeks pregnant. I was married to an abusive guy, he kicked me in my stomach and the next day...my angel baby went to see our maker. With this last miscarriage (not with my ex...heck naw), we were extremely excited, my fiance had no kids. So we were devastated when I lost it. When I turned out positive on 4/1... he didn't want to believe it and was not excited in fear of losing it again. But by the grace of the man upstairs... our little chicken fry is looking great! You will be there again soon enough. In the meantime, enjoy MAKING him or her. .lol

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Good luck! I had a miscarraige last May and the next time we had sex we got pregnant! I had a very healthy pregnancy right after it. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

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ty... we were so excited and then just to loose it so sudden really sucked but we r keeping positive :)

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@lsjmama87, - keep your head up. I had a spontaneous miscarriage on 3/4/2015 at 6 weeks. We were waiting around for my period... on 4/1, I took a pregnancy test..BOOM I was pregnant (I thought the test was pulling an April fools joke...lol)
18 weeks and all look good.... my period NEVER came & I still conceived...The body is a strange thing! Sending prayers and virtual hugs your way!

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