Ok moms I need advice! I am breast feeding and want to only do breast but I want to pump so I can feed easier at night. They say to wait at least 3 weeks before introducing a bottle. Am I going to mess things up if I do it this soon?
I had to supplement when she was about 2 days old. and we never had a problem. but it depended on the bottle she loved the latch bottle I think it was close to the boob. but I never had a problem switching from one to the other I've stopped using the bottle though
Personally I couldn't get my daughter to latch because of inverted nipples and tongue tie and once we got her tongue tie clipped 2 weeks later she refused to even try to latch like throwing tantrums and what not because a bottle is easier to eat from so I exclusively pump...you can pump after feeding baby and freeze the milk and save it for when you're ready to introduce a bottle it's good 6-12 months in a deep freezer... 3-6 months in a fridge freezer
it all depends on the baby. my son was fine from birth switching from breast to bottle with no nipple confusion. all babies aren't that easy to switch though.