Looking for opinions but no judgement, are there any negative affects to smoking weed and nursing? I quit while I was pregnant and I won't start again until I know it's completely safe for the baby. I just want the best for my prince. <3
But if your parents are okay with it then it's all good it's not like he's raping you or something smh . That's what happened to my friend we were in high school & she was 15 & her boyfriend was 18 the principle told them they couldn't be together so they're parents said if they were okay with it he had to be top
I am still breastfeeding @maryjadee it's such a different feeling when I smoke, usually it hurts like pinching and pulling but when I smoke it feels so weird like tingling when your foot falls asleep. I'm sorry that happened I hope he gets out soon! I am 17 until June 25th and my boyfriend is 21.
@jennyleigh, are you still breastfeeding? He had a warrant out for him since March he was with a group of friends & one of his friends stabbed somebody. They're in a gang 😒 . Since I got pregnant he stopped doing All that shit but they were walking & those guys came up to them talking shit so his friend overreacted & stabbed one of them smh . Then 2 of his other friends snitched right away cause they threatened to charge them with Attempted murder . My bf obviously didn't do anything but they wZnt him to tell on his friend & he didn't want to cause he'd get beaten for telling on his own gang. So the police charged him with mob action to arrest him & they finally found him 😔. How old are you & your boyfriend?
@maryjadee, I understand that calming feeling though! last night was so horrible, he didn't sleep at all and he didn't want to eat, he had a clean diaper, I didn't know what to do but I was able to just lay down and hold him while he cried.
@maryjadee, I am smoking, I haven't started doing it during the day anymore because I have no motivation to do anything but sleep, but I have been before I go to bed. Why did your boyfriend go to jail? I'm only asking because the cops came to my house a week or so ago to talk to me about our age difference, I was so scared they were going to take him and I still am but they haven't yet.
are you gonna smoke after all ? I smoked again a lil yesterday . Im going crazy with no sleep lol . My bf went to jail a few days ago & it's hard having to take care of my baby by myself but the weed calms me & keeps me alert to her even when I'm sleeping. I don't get mad or wanna cry lol
I'm breastfeeding & smoked once since A bunch of my friends smoke & breastfeed . I was freaking out after though , I pumped & dumped for like 2 days lol . I had to feed my baby formula though to get rid of her jaundice . But I was back to breastfeeding after those 2days this was more then a week ago & my baby seems perfectly fine