Looking for opinions but no judgement, are there any negative affects to smoking weed and nursing? I quit while I was pregnant and I won't start again until I know it's completely safe for the baby. I just want the best for my prince. <3
But if your parents are okay with it then it's all good it's not like he's raping you or something smh . That's what happened to my friend we were in high school & she was 15 & her boyfriend was 18 the principle told them they couldn't be together so they're parents said if they were okay with it he had to be top
I am still breastfeeding @maryjadee it's such a different feeling when I smoke, usually it hurts like pinching and pulling but when I smoke it feels so weird like tingling when your foot falls asleep. I'm sorry that happened I hope he gets out soon! I am 17 until June 25th and my boyfriend is 21.
@jennyleigh, are you still breastfeeding? He had a warrant out for him since March he was with a group of friends & one of his friends stabbed somebody. They're in a gang 😒 . Since I got pregnant he stopped doing All that shit but they were walking & those guys came up to them talking shit so his friend overreacted & stabbed one of them smh . Then 2 of his other friends snitched right away cause they threatened to charge them with Attempted murder . My bf obviously didn't do anything but they wZnt him to tell on his friend & he didn't want to cause he'd get beaten for telling on his own gang. So the police charged him with mob action to arrest him & they finally found him 😔. How old are you & your boyfriend?
@maryjadee, I understand that calming feeling though! last night was so horrible, he didn't sleep at all and he didn't want to eat, he had a clean diaper, I didn't know what to do but I was able to just lay down and hold him while he cried.
@maryjadee, I am smoking, I haven't started doing it during the day anymore because I have no motivation to do anything but sleep, but I have been before I go to bed. Why did your boyfriend go to jail? I'm only asking because the cops came to my house a week or so ago to talk to me about our age difference, I was so scared they were going to take him and I still am but they haven't yet.
are you gonna smoke after all ? I smoked again a lil yesterday . Im going crazy with no sleep lol . My bf went to jail a few days ago & it's hard having to take care of my baby by myself but the weed calms me & keeps me alert to her even when I'm sleeping. I don't get mad or wanna cry lol
I'm breastfeeding & smoked once since A bunch of my friends smoke & breastfeed . I was freaking out after though , I pumped & dumped for like 2 days lol . I had to feed my baby formula though to get rid of her jaundice . But I was back to breastfeeding after those 2days this was more then a week ago & my baby seems perfectly fine
the studies are sufficient enough. I am an Avid weed smoker but stopped when i became pregnant. There's really no significant answers ... it doesn't harm the body and it's natural.
There really hasn't been any studies done on breastfeeding and weed. So because of that, they say to avoid weed until your done breastfeeding since the results are still unknown at this point :/ but weed doesn't have any chemicals in it. It's natural. So it'll be interesting to see what the results of a study will be!
I'm not sure. My OB said it was honestly safe during pregnancy so I would assume it's OK in breastfeeding but idk. I stopped smoking during this pregnancy too but I think the obgyn would be right